Monday, February 15, 2010

Sorry for the delay...

whitewalls feb 6 2, originally uploaded by jaredlovesyou.

It's been a little over a week since this has happened, but I've been working my butt off for forever it seems.
Show was awesome! One of my favorites so far.
Check out the other photos on flickr.


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

White Walls on Saturday!

If you're in the city this saturday be sure to come out and support an AMAZING group show at Whitewalls on Geary and Larkin.
Check out for more info and be sure to peep their photoset on flickr.

Bob and I

lafayette park 3, originally uploaded by jaredlovesyou.

This is one of my new favorite people in the world.
Rebecca aka "bob" and I met over a year ago while I was working at a cafe in the tenderloin.
Ashley and I have her to thank for our kickass hair cuts and hours of belly laughter. This day at the park was an exceptional one to say the least.

This grass is SUPER green.

lafayette park 2, originally uploaded by jaredlovesyou.

After moving to the city from the beach, I've been trying my darndest to find a place where I can be outside and relax. It's fitting for this blog that those places have become parks with endless amounts of green grass.
It is very possible that this will become a regular theme for the blog in the future. Look for more park days!